
Busiest week in a while (9/23/24)

  Heyo friendos!!! Hope that you've all had a fabulous week! Mine was actually super busy, and it flew, so yay! So I guess you wanna know what made it fly, so here we go!! Things that made the week fly: ☆Interviews with President Rasmussen! I truly just love the Rasmussens! They're so sweet! My interview went well, so we'll see what happens this next transfer! (Transfers aren't until next week, so don't worry)  ☆I brought doughnuts to district council again, and all the elders were so excited!! Sister Rasmussen thought it was really sweet and the ZLs, also enjoyed it!  ☆We had an amazing lesson with Jacob this week! He's doing soo good! Now praying that he accepts a baptismal date!!  ☆We had some good lessons with Cameron too! He just needs to completely stop drinking coffee, and a few other things. Praying that it happens sooner rather than later! ☆Thursday we went to 2 member houses and had a lesson with a different friend. The members were funny! And we total

I won a car!!... 🚗🏆 (9/16/24)

 Award! Gotcha!! 😆😆 Anyway, howdy y'all!! Hope you had a fantastic week! I know that mine was good! So I guess that means you want to hear about it! So let's jump into it!  Weekly awards:  ☆Members are awesome!! We love them!  And they're so funny!! New quote of this area straight from members: "You just got flowed!!" - Curtis and Ava Hansen  ☆We knocked on a guys door, and he swung open the door. We asked him to church and without hesitation, he said yes. Fastest flow I've ever done. ☆Zone Conference was so cool! I loved it!  ☆The cleanest car award is a zone conference thing that whatever companionship has the cleanest car wins! After much work, it was finally me!! And with the new vehicle, the award is now a signed Ohio license plate!! Pretty sweet! ☆We went to youth night and taught the older youth how to find! It was actually really fun! And funny! (They asked us to teach them how to invite someone to church, and since that's how we find...)  ☆ Jaco

I guess it's official now... (9/9/24)

  Hello nerds! (Jk, y'all aren't nerds. Well, Joe you might be 😉) welcome back to your little taste of Ohio! This week was slow/fast and I'm honestly not too sure what happened during most of it. But let's see what I do remember!  What I do remember:  ☆We had amazing lesson with Jacob!! We taught him the Word of Wisdom and he was kinda scared at first but we talked about it for a bit, and then felt more comfortable with and he said he'd start working on it!  ☆Making pumpkin, zucchini, chocolate-chip bread for the elders! ☆Seeing the Elders faces light up when I gave them the bread! 🤩 They were all super excited about it and ate it right there in district council!  ☆Oh, and district council was good too 😉 ☆This title came because I hit 15 months this week and all you missionaries know what that means. 🫠🫠 ☆We had a fantastic lesson with Cameron and we're working with him to be baptized at the end of the month! ☆The weather this weekend!🤩🤩 It was 65-70 both