
Showing posts from December, 2023

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎅 🎄 🎁 (12/25/23)

  MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! I'm gonna keep this short and sweet as it's been a busy today!!  This 1st week in Western Hills has been the most crazy, chaotic, fun and everything in between for us! But like I said, we're having fun doing it!!  This week we had a lady tell us her house had a ghost, interrupted someone's affair, tried to navigate Cincy traffic, saw a fire dancer, (an elder from Thailand here in the mission), Elder Dujardin, (being who he is) played the piano and flute at the same time during our Christmas pancake breakfast, saw my 10-G sisters, played an obsessive amount of clue, went to 2 members houses for Christmas eve and just had fun, fun, fun!!! Then today we had our district activity, (per presidents request) so we played some cards. Oh how Elder McCord, (an AP now) and Elder Cook, (a newbie) are good at games! Like dang!!! Anyway that was fun!! Then we sang some carols at a retirement home and visited with the people there! And then we came home

Welcome to Cincy!!!! (12/18/23)

  Hey all!!! How was your week?!? Mine was fun, hectic, stressful, crazy, But overall good!!! Well I guess y'all want an update so here! Highlights: ☆We got to go out on tuesday!! (Sister Braun had been sick all of pday last week, soooo) we didn't do a whole lot, but we did get to leave the apartment!! ☆District council!!! We had got some local doughnuts from a local bakery for it and boy were they good!! Then after district council we did transfer predictions, and all the elders thought that sister Braun and I were doubling out!🤯🙄 Like, pffft! Nah man, we're to good for that! (Lol) ☆Wednesday night=transfer calls! Well, we found out a little bit early what transfers would be like for us as the APs called us that afternoon. But when Elder Gertsch called us that night, we said ok this is happening, where? So he told us what was happening and we kinda freaked out a bit, but he was nice about it and was talking to us about it too, so yeah!! ☆Oh, I'm sorry, did you want t

If a chicken can come to church, so can you! (12/11/23)

 Heyo!!!! What's up everyone??! How are ya? How was y'alls week? Mine was good, honestly I'm just trying to remember what happened this week, but here's what I can remember. So I guess ya better start reading! Highlights: ☆I got to talk to my grandparents on Monday!! Loved it! (Love ya grandma and papa!!!❤️🥰)  ☆We went to Panda Express for lunch on Monday!! Which isn't in every area in my mission, so that's a brag!! Shout-out to Jenn for making it possible!!! Seriously thank you so much!!🥳🤩❤️ ☆Tuesday we had to go to the library for sister Braun to put pics on a flash drive. Sadly it didn't work, and oddly the computer so was using froze, and she had been looking at this one picture of the Springfield district, before I was transferred in. So its frozen on her, and her companion. And the Creole elders. And here we are picking out every thing about this picture because we don't know what else to do. 😂 We did get it figured out tho, so don't worry!

'I've been out for 6 months...' wait, WHAT?!? (12/4/23)

  I'm back!!!! Did you miss me? Well maybe you're back, cause I've been here for a bit. Lol, I thought it'd be fun to try a new way to start my email. Anyway, had a pretty good week, honestly not too much, but still enough for an email, so here we go! Highlights: ☆Our district activity was so fun! We mostly played pickle ball the whole time, but still so good. I came in 3rd in one round, of around the world, but that's only because all the elders wore themselves out in earlier rounds. 😂 ☆We got to decorate Nehemiah!! 🤩 They had us help decorate for Christmas on Tuesday, so we were there for a good 3 hours decorate, setting up and decorating the tree, stuff like that. But it was sooo fun!! ☆We visited some people in the ward, and they had a cute puppy!! He also had a 1969 Camero, it's orange and man is it cool!!!  ☆We had interviews this week, and they were good. So yeah! President was asking me about not being home for the holidays, I said right now the hardes