
Showing posts from August, 2023

Short and sweet!!

  Hey all!! Sorry this is late, also meaning that this is going to have to be short and sweet!!  Sooooo Highlights:: I can drive!! I finished getting all my stuff turned in, so now hopefully soon I get my card!! I also figured out my missionary care app!! So now if anything happens, I'll be good. I saved Sister Hansen's life!! She almost got hit by a car, but I pulled her back in time. We found a new friend!! Her name is Shelby,  and we're meeting with her on Saturday!!!  Steve and Eliane came to church!!! These are the our catholic friends!! So now we'll get to go with them in a few weeks!!  Derek is still doing g great!! Spiritual thought: President had us read the April 2023 conference talk 'Peacemakers needed' by president Nelson. It just reminded me to be nicer and more loving to others, and I hope that you all find a way this week to do the same!! Sad: I can't text friends on messenger anymore, only email. New standards, bc they changed.:( Again sorry

Am I catholic for real now?!

  Heyo everyone!! Hope the week was amazing!! I know mine was, so let's jump right in!! Tuesday: Tuesday we had our regular service. Which was fun as always. We got to make Charcuterie boards for a fundraiser that the food pantry was doing, and they let us take home a good bunch of food, which is always nice. Then that night we were at Kroger finding. Now you have to understand,  when we say no one is at Kroger, we mean no one! There can be cars in the parking lot, but not a single person. So when Sister Hansen and I felt like we needed to go there, at 8pm, we were like: "really, Kroger?" But we went and followed our prompting, and I'm sooooo glad that we did!! Bc that's where we met Janelle.  She had walked out of the store and to her car, and I walked up and started doing the flow. (For those who don't know, the flow is a way of finding where we just ask everyone if they want to come to church with us, and go from there.) And we got through the whole thing!

God's miracles are so AMAZING!!

  Heyo everyone!!!! Hope that the week was as amazing as all of you are!!! My week has been pretty great, so let's jump in! First transfers happened this week, and don't worry Sister Hansen and I are both still here in Lawrenceburg,  so yay!! We kinda figured we would be, but it's still a great blessing. But unfortunately because the Batesville sisters got ETed, (emergency transfered) we no longer have the Lawrenceburg district, and now we and the Batesville elders are in the Florence District. Which has the DL, ZLs, and STLs.  Also I can't BELIEVE that my 1 transfer is over!! It's crazy how fast, (or slow) time can go!! Tuesday:  Tuesday we had our regular service. And that was good. They sent us home with food afterward, so we got some snacks as we didn't need much else. But Tuesday night was definitely my favorite of this week, and here's why:We had a HUGE miracle this week! So we went to an apartment complex to go knocking, and there was a sign saying th

Catholics who Drink

  Hey all!!!!! I hope that this week was one of the best for you, despite the heat!! Also thank you to all those that email me! I love hearing all about home and where ever you are, and what's going on in your lives! So feel free to email, I won't be able to respond until Monday,  but I loving getting and reading them!! Anyway I'm sure that your all dying to know how I've been, so let's jump in!! Tuesday: Service and interviews Tuesday we had our regular service and that eveing we had interviews. Service was good, I asked the people we were working with why is it called a shipment in a car, and cargo on a ship. The guy who answered tried his best to explain,  but I just kept making it harder, but it was funny!  Interviews went well, for me anyway. President McGuire was just asking how I was adjusting and all that stuff, so it went well.  Wednesday: Service Wednesday we really didn't do anything to exciting, we did our service in the morning, and then we did find

Catholic or Jehovahs witnesses?

  Hey all!!! How's it going?!? How was the week? Hope y'all aren't dying of heat yet! (lol) I'm not dead from the heat and humidity yet, but it's not quite August yet, and I still have another summer here, so we'll see!  First I wanna say a HUGE THANK YOU to all who have been praying for David! I'm really don't like saying this, but unfortunately we had to stop teaching David because of some things going on in his life right now, so he can't be baptized:(((((( And I had to tell him he couldn't be baptized yet. It was sad, I thought us telling him that we couldn't teach him anymore would be the worst, but no, it was when I told him that he couldn't be baptized yet. It was really sad.  In better news this week wasn't super terrible! (Lol) it was actually really good. Not a ton happened this week, but here are some story worthy things that happened! This week we've had extra miles, so we've been trying to use them by going to som