
Showing posts from November, 2023

Krama is real!

  Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a fantastic week and a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know that my Thanksgiving was so good! And my week was pretty ok, so let's get to it! Highlights: ☆I got to talk to my family for longer this week as it was Thanksgiving break. So that was nice! ☆We've had an insane amount of contacting people this week. So a lot of our schedules throughout this week are crazy with contacts. (Records of who we texted and when and what) ☆We had District council!!! ☆We gave Elder Gertsch a thank you present for finding my phone! (Elder Dujardin tried to steal part of it, and Elder Gertsch told him no. "You don't like American chocolate anyway." It was funny to watch) ☆We didn't have to proselyte on Thanksgiving at all! We thought that it was going to be a half pros day, but nope!  ☆Thanksgiving we went to the church and had dinner with a fun couple and their family! It made me remember how fun family gatherings are! ☆We had some good lesso

So you think your smart

11-20-20023 You guys!!!! This week was literally kinda boring, and extremely uneventful until this past weekend. But I hope that y'alls week was good. But because this weekend was so eventful, I do have highlights and a HUGE miracle!! So I hope your ready to read my book. Highlights: ☆Sister Braun bought a crossword book this week, (Hence the email name) and I know that I'm not like super super smart, but this book has really put us to the test. But it's funny when we're tired. Lol ☆Zone conference on Friday!!! It was literally the pick me up I needed this week!! And (Sorry other missionaries who are reading this before your zone conference) we didn't have role plays!!!! It was fantastic!!  ☆We made a new friend Greg!! ☆We had a lesson with Gerda!! ☆Charles is texting us again!! ☆ Miracle: Elder Gertsch found my phone while in Bellefontaine!! Friends:  So Charles still hasn't come to church since we invited him to be baptized, but he has been texting us, so that

Jamming in english!!

 Hellllooooo friends and fam!!!!! How are you doing? How was your week? My week was honestly pretty uneventful. But I still got some highlights and friends updates, so let's get started! Highlights: ☆The title of this email came from Elder Dujardin in English class. He started singing 'Wannabe' by Spice Girls yesterday in English. We were at the same table working with different people when he started singing it. I looked at him and said: I love that song. Then he asked me how it went, and I said I would sing it for him after class. After class, he came up and asked me to start singing it! So I did, and then Sister Braun, Elder Dujardin and I all started jamming to Wannabe by the Spice Girls. It was so fun!! ☆We had exchanges this week! They were fun, not much to talk about though.  ☆Elder Gertsch is a talker!! We had our Area Reports last night, (DL call) and we were on that call for like 40 minutes, but it was fun! ☆English class is picking back up!!! ☆If I've learned

4 DLs in 4 Transfers

  Hey all!! How are you?? How's life?? How was Halloween? And yeah! My week was so good, so fast! And obviously fire!! Anyway, so let's jump in! Btw this week I'm not going to do days, just highlights and such bc I don't want to type out everything! (Lol) Highlights: ☆Halloween we had to stay inside that evening, so we didn't get mixed in with the trick-or-treaters, which is fair. So our mission leaders put on a kahoot for us and Jepordy. The Kahoot was more fun then the Jepordy, but still both a blast!! ☆English class was up in numbers on Sunday!! We had like 20 ppl!! Yay!! I got to help in English! It was a blast!! ☆Also at the end of English Elder Tippetts and Sister Braun put a table away nicely and then Elder Sainsbury and I went to put away the next one, and completely butchered putting it away. We messed up. So I said something like: Us Idahons messed up. He was like "yeah they let us Idahons cook!" I started laughing. And then I told him about the