
Showing posts from June, 2023

Another Perspective

One of the sisters (Whitney Dahle)  in Alexis's district shared some pictures on Facebook so I thought I would share a different perspective of Alex on her mission!  

3rd and Final Week at the MTC

  Hey All!!!!! Hope the week for ya was great! Mine was, so let's hop right in. This week is the third and final week for me here at the MTC, I fly to Ohio on Thursday! Exciting and nerve wracking. The time has just flown by, and it's amazing how much has happened in these past few weeks.  This week it was announced that a new version of preach my gospel is out online. So that's cool, I'm glad it happened at the beginning of my mission and not in the middle. It was funny because we had been learning lesson 5: Laws and Ordinances that morning. And then early that afternoon the new Preach my Gospel came out, and now lesson 5 no longer exists. Lesson 5 is now dissolved into lesson 4.  We also got to see all the apostles and lots of the leaders of the church on campus this week, and it's been super cool! We've gone to the temple this week. Saturday we got to go and observe sealings, and today we did another endowment session. And today will be the last day I will ha

6-20-2023 Letter

  Hey all!!! How was y'alls week??? Mine was awesome!!! So, let's jump right in! Wednesday I got to the provo MTC, it was sad leaving my family, but great meeting my district! There's 9 of us.Me, Sis.Thayne (My Comp), Sis.Dahle, Sis.Wilkes, Sis.Shakespear, Sis.Eck, and our 3 elders, Elder Olson, Elder Gardener. and Elder Rabner. Sis.Shakespear, Sis.Eck and Elder Rabner are all going to Orlando, Florida. Elders Gardener and Olson are going to Anchorage Alaska, and the rest of us are going to Cincinnati Ohio. I absolutely LOVE my district!! They are super great, and fun to be around! Matter of fact, yesterday we played wiffle ball for our daily exercise. It was the Dragon Warriors vs. the Dragon Slayers. (I think you can already tell who won, lol) Me Sis.Wilkes, Sis.Shakespear, and Elder Gardener were the Dragon Warriors, and everyone else was a Dragon Slayer. (Except for Elder Rabner who went for a run around the field we were playing in.)  Sisters Shakespear and Eck, (who m

MTC - Here She Comes

After Alexis's final training class on Monday, the family loaded up and headed to UT. They took Tuesday to recuperate from the drive and spend time with family and on Wednesday, June 14th Alexis entered the MTC in Provo Utah!  Here are the pictures her dad shared on Facebook when they got back. As you can see in the pictures, saying goodbye is never an easy thing to do! This is Alex's MTC Companion Sister Thayne