
Showing posts from February, 2024

"The winds of change." (FB Post 2/25/24)

  I'm sure that we've all heard this phrase. So change, let's talk about it. Change for some people is hard, sometimes it's exciting. Maybe your the person who's in the middle. Change brings so many, many emotions. Excitement, sadness, anger, happiness, nervousness. The feelings of being ready for something new, or maybe dread because you don't want something to change. But whatever your feelings are towards change, let me tell you, it's going to come anyway. Regardless of what you want, or think that you need, change is always going to happen. For me, I'm not super excited when hear that something is going to change. Unless I've been looking forward to it. But as a missionary things are always changing for me. Where I live, who I talk to, who I live with, etc. But that's OK, because these are all good changes, even when I don't want it to happen, or I don't feel ready for it. But through all these changes, there is one thing that stays

To wacky for Western Hills (2/26/24)

You guys!!!! This week was absolutly nuts!!!! Ahhhhhh!!! But it was a while adventure!! But I hope yours was so good, and an adventure of its own. Well I suppose that you'd like to know just how crazy my week was, so let's go exploring!! All the craziness: So it all started Monday night at 10pm. We got a call from President. Which made me nervous, but it was all good! President told us that Sister Richmond would be coming back to Western Hills!! And that we would be in a trio!! And that we would pick her up in Kentucky the next day right before Zone council! (A mini zone conference, this one just had all of our role plays and stuff.) So Tuesday we had out to Kentucky to get Sister Richmond!! (Love ya girl!!😘😍🥰) So we got her, then shot up to Liberty for lunch and zone council. Then towards the end, President calls again!! So after we got out I called him back, and basically we played phone tag there for a sec, but I got him after we got home. He then proceeded to ask me if I

All my comps in one room, except one (2/19/24)

Hello everyone!! Hope that you all had a fantastic week!! I know that I sure did and I have some fire news and highlights this week, so without further adieu... Highlights:  (Biggest highlights) ☆☆☆I GOT TO SEE SISTER RICHMOND!!!!!🥳🥳🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️🤩🤩😍😍🥰🥰😊😊 We had a fantastic zone conference on Saturday and because Elder Haynie from the 70 was there, all the Cincinnati zones were there. So I got to see her!! 🤩🤩🤩 I'd been looking forward to it all week, which honestly made it go kinda slow, but it was worth it! 😁😁 (P.s, love ya Sister Richmond!❤️😍🥰) ☆☆SHAINIECE AND TAYLOR CAME TO CHURCH!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎊🎊🎂🎊🎉🥳🥳🤩🤩🎉🎊🎂🎊🎉🥳🥳🥳 They could only stay for sacrament meeting, but they came just as they said!!🥹🥹🥹 It made my whole morning!! (Other highlights)  ☆We've had lots of member lessons and slightly more dinners recently, and it's been good to help the members and connect with them more!  ☆We had a really great Zone conference with Elder Haynie!! He

Western Hills wacky is back baby!! (2/12/24)

 Hey everyone!!! How's was y'alls week?? In case you can't tell from the title, I'm reporting back with another Western Hills wacky!! We had a really busy week and I honestly can't remember most of it, but imma try, so here we go!! Highlights:  ☆We had a some good member meals this week!! So that was nice and all the members are really great too! ☆I tried a Taiwanese dessert! I wasn't bad, but it wasn't my favorite. It was funny though cause we had it right after we had some Mexican for dinner! Lol ☆We love the Titensors!! The Titensors are this really cute couple in our ward! He's a chef and he made us some fire pizza for dinner!! Then Sister Titensor and Sister Eidemiller got along really well, and Brother Titensor and I sat there and looked at them like they were crazy, (which they kinda are,  but it's a good crazy) cause they kept feeding off of each other. But it was literally so fun!! ☆We had Exchanges!! They were fun! Some finding, some lesson

The week where not much happened!

  Hey all!! Hope that the week was so good for you!! Mine was uneventful, honestly. Just a find grind! But I think that there's still enough to write about, so let's take a look!! Highlights:  ☆Bishop Burnett is a 90's sitcom TV dad! Like actually. We went over to his house for dinner this week and he's really funny. I'm surprised he's not a comedian or something like that! 😂  ☆We found out that we're having Elder Haine our area 70 president come to our zone conference!! So Dayton will have a zone conference, then all of the Cincinnati zones will have one!!! That means I get to see the French sisters, and Sister Richmond!!!!!!!!!!! (In case you can't tell, I'm really excited! 🤩😂)  ☆We went over to the Nichols house for dinner, and that was good! ☆Sister Eidemiller is really funny! She always says something random that's just funny, so yeah!  ☆Isaiah from Springfield got baptized a few weeks ago!!!!!!!!!  Honestly we really didn't have a lo

Emotions - FB Post 1/31/2024

  Emotions, we all have them. We feel angry at other people, sad when friends have to go, happy when things go the way we want, frustrated with our problems, relaxed when we get a chance, silly when we're comfortable, all sorts of emotions all at different times. All throughout our lives. And every single one of those feelings, God created us to have. All of them. Because here's the thing, we need to feel all of these things because it's for our good. And guess what? You're not alone in feeling these things, going through both the hard and the easy, the bad and the good. Jesus Christ felt all of these things for YOU! That's right, YOU! And because He's felt this and knows what it feels like, Your loving Heavenly Father does too. They are there for you, always. Even when we think that they're not, they are. I promise. Doctrine and Covenants 136:22, 28-31 22 I am he who led the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; and my arm is stretched out in the las