
Showing posts from June, 2024

HAPPY HALF-WAY ELDERS!!🥳🥳🤩🤩 (06/10/24)

 Howdy, howdy all!! Hope that you've all had a fantabuelous week! I know that I have!! So, ya ready to hear all about it? Good, cause here we go!! Highlights: ☆First and foremost the most exciting news, WE FOUND 7 NEW FRIENDS THIS WEEK!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🤩🥳🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️🥹🥹🥹#Godisliterallytheactualbestest!! ☆And we've had like 3-4 lesson come from them this week! 🤩🥳 You guys we have friends to teach, and it's just been amazing to meet them and talk to them and help them see how the gospel can bless and help them!! Sadly a few of them have dropped us, but Heavenly Father is blessing us immensely and we've been finding friends who want to come to church and learn!!  ☆Another exciting thing I saw was that our friend Charles from Springfield, (he wasn't being taught for awhile because he just stopped progressing there for a bit) HE WENT TO CHURCH!!! AND THE ELDERS HAVE A LESSON WITH HIM!!! 🥳🥳🎊🎊🥹🥹 That literally made me so excited yesterday, I almost cried!  ☆I

*Gasp* Is that a beaver!?!? (6/3/24)

 Wait! No, it's just a groundhog. Darn! Oh! Hey everyone! Hope that you had such a good week! I feel like mine was forever, but not long enough with certain people. So I guess yall are wondering what happened, so, let's jump right in!  Highlights: ☆We've been to member house most nights this week as we had transfers. We went to a member home and the Sister told us that she was gonna laugh when we both stayed, (cause we thought that we were both leaving) little did we all know... ☆We did a lot more finding this week! And thank goodness it's a new month so we don't have to walk as much anymore!! ☆Wednesday we had transfer calls, and when I finally stopped working about them, and forgot about them, they came.  ☆Thursday we went from lesson to lesson to lesson and it was soo good! I love the members here! They are so funny and fun!  ☆District council was good too! ☆Sadly, (and happy for her) Sister Lambert got transferred! She's in Crittenden, Kentucky! And by the t