*Gasp* Is that a beaver!?!? (6/3/24)

 Wait! No, it's just a groundhog. Darn! Oh! Hey everyone! Hope that you had such a good week! I feel like mine was forever, but not long enough with certain people. So I guess yall are wondering what happened, so, let's jump right in! 

☆We've been to member house most nights this week as we had transfers. We went to a member home and the Sister told us that she was gonna laugh when we both stayed, (cause we thought that we were both leaving) little did we all know...
☆We did a lot more finding this week! And thank goodness it's a new month so we don't have to walk as much anymore!!
☆Wednesday we had transfer calls, and when I finally stopped working about them, and forgot about them, they came. 
☆Thursday we went from lesson to lesson to lesson and it was soo good! I love the members here! They are so funny and fun! 
☆District council was good too!
☆Sadly, (and happy for her) Sister Lambert got transferred! She's in Crittenden, Kentucky! And by the time she's done in Kentucky, I'm not sure if there will be any left for me! πŸ˜‚ Seriously though, she's going to do amazingly!! Love ya Sister Lambert!!🫢🫰❤️😍😘 
☆So I got a new companion. I went from greenie breaking, (a fat minute ago) to greenie breaker! (Greenie breaking is your first transfer out of training. So in our mission, your 3rd transfer) Her name is Sister Roberts, and she's pretty chill. She was trained in the far, far off land of Fairborn, (Literally like ten minutes north of where we live in Beavercreek πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) and she's pretty good at finding.
☆Let's just say that we've found 3 NEW FRIENDS since she's been here!!πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ so that's exciting!!
☆We got a member refferal this week! Here's some background: 
At the beginning of last month, Sister Lambert and I went to visit this inactive lady cause we both felt like we should. So we did and she's pretty cutie. We didn't feel like we should invite her to church so we didn't. But that Sunday, she came!! She's also met and started reaching out to her ministering sister, which is really good! So fast forward to this week, we get a text from our ward mission leader telling us that Bishop wanted us to start teaching her 9-year-old daughter!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ€©πŸ€© Thats probably been the best news I've had all week! We sadly haven't been able to meet with her yet, but I met her briefly when we first went over, so we're excited!!
☆Some guy high-fived me because I believe in Jesus and that He is the Savior and Redeemer. It was kinda funny honestly. 
☆We ran into the new Beavercreek elders in the Kroger parking lot on accident, and one went to fight us (Jokingly of course) and I almost sassed him back. Don't mind me and my sassy self over here, it's fine! πŸ˜‚
☆We went over to a member house for dinner last night, and we were talking about college and what they studied. The Sister was talking about how she probably wouldn't go to school for English again. Then she said, "but that's OK, cause I got what I wanted out of college," points to her husband. "Him!" 🀣🀣 Like, broski! Why would that be me?!? It won't be, but it just sounded like something I'd say, it was really funny! 🀣🀣

Quotes: (warning, since Sister Lambert is not my comp anymore, these my go down a lot) 
Its Gabriel Agreste brand - me to sister Lambert
No, its fake Gucci - Sister Lambert in reply
That's ok. You didn't need crunchy water - Sister Lambert when they didn't put lettuce on my mcchicken
There's nothing wrong with being homeschooled or vegan, Suzie just fits - Sister Dahle talking about a missionary who used to be in our mission. 

We do have some friends that we have right now. They're all kinda at the same level where we just met them and are trying to meet with them, so I'll tell you more as we get further with them.

Spiritual thought:
I'm gonna be fat honest, I was disappointed to learn that I was staying here in Beavercreek. I've never been anywhere longer then 2 transfers and I had already been here for 14 weeks as I got ETed up here. So when I learned I was staying and Sister Lambert was leaving, I was really sad. One because Sister Lambert has become my othere best friend, and two, because I thought I was done here. So it was little hard the first couple of days. But something that has helped me was that in our fast and testimony meeting during church yesterday, a lot of testimonies were about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always on our side and are always here for is. They're never going to leave us and they always love us and want each and every one of us to come back to them. Unfortunately it seems that I tend to need to be reminded the harder way sometimes, but it does help remind me that Christ is here to help me too. Not just my companions, other missionaries, my friends, and family. But He's here for me too. 

Well, I hope that y'all enjoyed my novel. Lol, and I hope that you all have a fantastic week! I love you all and thank you for your continued support! Love you all! 
Love Sister Alex Hersom!

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