From babies to mamas (7/15/24)

 Howdy all! I hope you had an exciting week! I know I did, so let's get started!!

☆Tuesday we had district council because transfers are on Thursdays now instead of Fridays. So fun! We had a good quickish council and then Elder Reynolds had a surprise for us. Sister Lilya was getting ready to go home, and apparently when a missionary goes home he does this. We played Jepordy! Yep! It was actually really fun! Sadly I can't remember who won and who lost, but I do remember it was really, really close. 
☆After that we had district lunch!! We went to El Toro, which is a Mexican place, and it was good! 
☆Sadly after that I got sick. Not from the restaurant, I just did. Monday I went to bed with a small scratch in my throat and when I woke up Tuesday morning, it was worse. Sad day. So I spent some sick time. 
☆We did however get to go to a member meal with the Andersons! I love them! They're so fun!! 
☆Tuesday evening we got a call from the APs. And Sister Roberts started freaking out. It's doubling out time!! 
☆Wednesday morning I wasn't feeling super great and when transfer calls came that morning, I was as excited as a sick person can get, lol. Anyway, you could tell Elder Reynolds felt bad for me cause I looked and sounded like I was dying. But he told me that I was doubling into Liberty with Sister LeSueur! (La-sw-ear) This is going to be fun! By h
☆We had our last lesson with Gwen on Wednesday! 🥹 (Don't worry, I was feeling good enough for that) she was really sad when she found out, but promised to keep going strong. We have her our emails so we can still talk to her on pdays!
☆Thursday was transfers! That was so fun! I got to see my trio queens! Sister Hopes and Sister Lambert! 🥳🥳 I had to be there early though, because Sister Roberts doubled into Huber Heights and is training!!🤯🤯🥳🥳 She's going to crush it!
☆After transfers Sister LeSueur and I drove to Liberty! We couldn't find our apartment at first and tried getting into someone else's apartment! 😅 (The guy was really nice about it though) But we found the apartment and started to settle in! And we're figuring out our new area and ward! 
☆Meet Sister LeSueur! She's from Snowflake, Arizona, (my first Arizona comp) The oldest of 4 kids, (so 3 younger siblings) and has been out for almost 9 months!! It's a party already!!🥳🥳 She loves doing hair, food and family, and being a missionary, so yay! I do have to say I'm grateful for my time with Sister Roberts as she helped relight a fire in me that I didn't know was going out. Thanks Sisters Roberts! 
☆Meet District leader #10: Elder Bringhurst! (10 in 10 transfers) He's pretty funny and has been out like 2 months longer then me. He's really nice and us excited to help us! Je asked what we've seen DLs do in the past that we liked that he could try. I told him that he was #10 and I was trying to think. Then he gave us a minute and said: "Sister Hersom, it sounds like you've had a lot of District leaders, what do you think?" Way to put me on the spot there buddy! Lol 😂. 
☆This ward is awesome!! They just came up and talked to us when we got to church on Sunday and told us a lot about our ward and friends. So, it looks like we got a lot of member work to do. Bring it on! I love working with all members!
☆As for my title, I greenie broke Sister Roberts, and I just got Sister LeSueur who just finished training a missionary. So from babies, to mamas! 

Why did that bird almost hit me?!? Was it in pain, or giving birth, or having contrations, or pregnant or tired?! - Sister Roberts talking about when a bird nearly flew into her earlier 
Birds lay eggs! - me while laughing really hard 
Still! - Sister Roberts 
I need my lesbian aunties to answer!!! - Sister Roberts after finding out we were doubling out
The queen is lion! 🎶 - Sister Roberts singing a Christian song wrong 
It's the king is alive - me 
No, its the queen is a lion. Also why is the queen a lion? - Sister Roberts 
Jesse! 🎶 - Sister Roberts 
It's Jesus - me 
No it's Jesse. Also who is Jesse? - Sister Roberts 
It's that guy who has that girl that his friend is jealous of! - Me
Oh! So they pray to that Jesse? - Sister Roberts
I guess so - Me
(If yall wanna look it up, it's "The King is alive " by Jordan Feliz, its a good song)
I wonder if simba ate the queen of hearts - Sister Roberts
I don't think simba would eat the queen of hearts - me
Oh! Maybe the queen of hearts ate him. And that's why the queen is a lion! - Sister Roberts concluding
I should have bought that icee. I regret not buying one - Elder Bringhurst

☆Gwen is doing really good! She's really saf that we left, but we gave her our emails so she can email and still here from us. 
☆Jon kept canceling on us, but I think he's well. Oh well, he'll get there!
☆Gary is also doing well, he was really sad that we left but seemed to take the new sisters well! 
☆Cameron is pretty cool, he's been taught for a little bit now and really wants to be baptized, he just has some things he needs to work on!
☆Camden is a 17 year old who also wants to be baptized, but beacuse he's a minor we need his parents permission and they said no. So pray that his parents hearts will soften! 
It's honestly kinda a tie between everyone else right now, so, we'll see what happenes this week!

Spiritual thought:
Waiting. No one really likes to wait. You're either really excited, really anxious and nervous, or really done and irritated. For me, I was honestly done with being in Beavercreek. Don't get me wrong, I love the ward there and the friends we were teaching, but it took 2 transfers to get some good friends and I was done not finding anyone and having our leaders asking us why we weren't finding anyone. We were doing our best, but we didn't see the results that we thought were necessary. When in reality, we were seeing success. We had a less active start coming back and bring her 2 non member kids. We talked to some pmfs, and the ward liked us. We had to wait to see that. And then I stayed a 3rd transfer and that's when Sister Roberts helped reignite my passion for being a missionary and finding to teach lessons. I had to wait for that 3rd transfer to find Gwen and for Gary to open his door, and for Jon to be ready again. The Lord was reminding me, that all things happen in His time, among other things. "It will all work out in the end. If it doesnt work out, then it's not the end." - The McGuires. The Lord knows all things and His time and way of it, are so much better than ours. Even when it means w have to wait. Yep, it's hard. But the blessings and lessons are always worth it!

Well, I hope that you enjoy this monster of an email! And I hope that you have a good week! I'll wrote again next week! 
Love Sister Alex Hersom 


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