HAPPY HALF-WAY ELDERS!!🥳🥳🤩🤩 (06/10/24)

 Howdy, howdy all!! Hope that you've all had a fantabuelous week! I know that I have!! So, ya ready to hear all about it? Good, cause here we go!!

☆First and foremost the most exciting news, WE FOUND 7 NEW FRIENDS THIS WEEK!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🤩🥳🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️🥹🥹🥹#Godisliterallytheactualbestest!!
☆And we've had like 3-4 lesson come from them this week! 🤩🥳
You guys we have friends to teach, and it's just been amazing to meet them and talk to them and help them see how the gospel can bless and help them!! Sadly a few of them have dropped us, but Heavenly Father is blessing us immensely and we've been finding friends who want to come to church and learn!! 
☆Another exciting thing I saw was that our friend Charles from Springfield, (he wasn't being taught for awhile because he just stopped progressing there for a bit) HE WENT TO CHURCH!!! AND THE ELDERS HAVE A LESSON WITH HIM!!! 🥳🥳🎊🎊🥹🥹 That literally made me so excited yesterday, I almost cried! 
☆I hit my one year mark!🥳🤯😵‍💫😱🥹 Which also means: Happy Half Way Elders that came out with me!!🥳🥳 Guys there is actually no way it's been one year of being on my mission, like that's crazy and way unreal. It's gone by too fast and these next six months... it doesn't seem real that I have only 6 months left of my mission. It's insane. 
☆We also went out for dinner on my one year and that was so good! We went to Roosters and it was yummy!!
☆I absolutely love our members! They're just so amazing and helpful and caring and, I just love them! We've had some really good and fun member visits and meals this week, and I just love our members! 
☆We found a delicious ice cream place in our area! 😋 It's a decent price for a good size amount too. It's like another Flavors place. (If you remember that ice cream place from Lawrenceburg)
☆We've had a ton of lessons this week, both member and friend, and it's been really nice! #Godisstilllliterallytheactualbestest!
☆We had two missionary homecoming yesterday and oh my goodness!! I loved them! You could definitely tell that they really changed on their missions and enjoyed them! I love missionary homecomings!!🥰

When would you want to give yor homecoming talk? The week after you get back or after? - Me to Sister Roberts 
Probably the week I get back, that way I'm still holy - Sister Roberts in reply
I'm using your cow as a pilliow! - Sister Roberts 
Nah, the cow is working just great! - Sister Roberts in the same convo

Friends: (cause I have them to talk about!🤩)
☆Gwen, we met her at dollar general and she said she wanted to come to church! And she did! Well, she got there in time for the last 15 minutes of sacrament meeting and all of 2nd hour!
☆James we met at a gas station and he's pretty cool! He loved the church tour we gave him! Sadly he didn't come to church yesterday cause he fell asleep waiting to come, but he's definitely coming next week he says!
☆Kevin we met knocking. He works for the military, (as there's the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Fairborn) so he couldn't come to church this week, but he wants to come next! We've also met with him this week and gave him a Book of Mormon!

We have other friends too, but we just met them and they're all kinda at the same level right now, so more will come as they progress!

Spiritual thought:
With us finding new friends and having lessons this past week, it's made me think about what's changed. Sister Lambert and I were trying really hard, but we didn't see the same results. But here's the thing: sometimes we just need to be patient during a trial, or hard time. Sometimes we just need to endure and exercise our faith even harder and show Heavenly Father that we can do it. Sister Lambert and I saw different kinds of success. Such as we started working with a part member family, and we saw people to start to notice us more and small things like that. There's something my first DL in the mission said when he gave a spiritual thought. He said: "In Alma 32:2 it says: "2 And it came to pass that after much labor among them, they began to have success..." After much Labor. We will see success, but it will be 'after much labor.'" Well, I paraphrased it, but that's kinda been with me all my mission, if I'm patient and do my part I will be blessed, sometimes it just takes a minute. Like it says in Alma 'After much labor' we can have success! Just keep praying and having that faith, and doing your part, and you will undoubtedly be blessed. Whether it's this life or the next, you will be blessed!

Well, I think that's it! I hope that you all have a fantastic week and that it doesn't get to hot for ya! Love you all!
Love Sister Alex Hersom!

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