British Beavercreek! 🇬🇧 (4-22-24)

 Hello, Hello my wonderful friends and family!! I hope that you had a fantastic week! And I'm sure your curious about mine, so let's jump right in!!

☆It was warm!! And now it's cooler again! Sad day-ish. 
☆Sister Lambert and I have really been getting along and connecting! I love her!
☆Sister Dahle owes us mozzarella sticks! (She wanted the weight bench we had in our apartment, so for that she's getting us mozzarella sticks!)
☆Sister Lambert and I have picked up British accents! (We don't speak in them all the time tho)
☆We won a zone competition that we had this week!! Big win for Beavercreek sisters!!🥳💪
☆We got an appointment with a less active family!!! Let's go!! They are also a part member family, so yay!
☆We found a possible place for us to go do service!!🤩🤩 (Beavercreek didn't have any service when I got here, so this is really exciting!!)
☆We had a good district council!!
☆WE FOUND A FRIEND!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰❤️🥳🥳🥳
☆AND HE CAME TO CHURCH!!! 🤩🥳🤩🥳🤩🥳🤩🥰❤️
☆Church was soooo amazing!! The spirit was so strong and I had answers to prayers!

I don't want to let the bacon sit for 5 minutes, I want to eat the bacon - Sister Lambert
I WAS A HAPPY POTATO! - Sister Lambert
NO! My dignity!! It's dying before my eyes! - Sister Lambert in the same convo
Pray that we can be happy potatoes - Sister Lambert telling me to say our nightly comp prayer
I am an unhigned potato with a knife - Sister Lambert 
This is the only man I need in my life. Besides Jesus - Sister Lambert talking about her dragon
Awww, he's got a cute, big butt - Sister Lambert still talking about her dragon 

Friends: (Sorry, I totally forgot this part last week, my bad!)
☆Alexander we had to let go for right now, he stopped responding to us. Sad day! But God's got him so.
☆Geri is in the hospital, and we're praying that she gets better soon! (Idk if I told you about her, she was a referral from awhile ago, and we couldn't get in contact with her, so we dropped her. Then she made another referral and we tried again, and she was home!)
☆Matt!! He's our new friend and he's awesome!!! He came to church and has an open mind!! He was so excited to get a Book of Mormon, and he wants to bring his kids!!

Spiritual thought:
I don't know why this week, but I just forgot how much Heavenly Father loves me. And so all this week, I've received emails from family members who kept reminding me of that, and then to tie it all off, we basically had all the seminary youth take over sacrament meeting today, and the song that they sang really touched me. It was such a beautiful reminder to me that Heavenly Father loves me, and is looking out for me!🥰 And we had a member meal last night, and she was telling us that telling people about the gospel is a success and that sharing and living what we believe is a success, and honestly it was really helpful and a great reminder, along with the rest of the small things Heavenly Father gave me this week, to end another week! So remember, Heavenly Father loves you, and he will take every opportunity He has to show you that!🥰❤️ 

Well my dear friends and family, I think that's it! I hope that you all have a fantastic rest of your day, and week! And that you will see Heavenly Father's love and hand in your life!
Write again soon! 
Love Sister Alex Hersom!

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