Busiest week in a while (9/23/24)

 Heyo friendos!!! Hope that you've all had a fabulous week! Mine was actually super busy, and it flew, so yay! So I guess you wanna know what made it fly, so here we go!!

Things that made the week fly:
☆Interviews with President Rasmussen! I truly just love the Rasmussens! They're so sweet! My interview went well, so we'll see what happens this next transfer! (Transfers aren't until next week, so don't worry) 
☆I brought doughnuts to district council again, and all the elders were so excited!! Sister Rasmussen thought it was really sweet and the ZLs, also enjoyed it! 
☆We had an amazing lesson with Jacob this week! He's doing soo good! Now praying that he accepts a baptismal date!! 
☆We had some good lessons with Cameron too! He just needs to completely stop drinking coffee, and a few other things. Praying that it happens sooner rather than later!
☆Thursday we went to 2 member houses and had a lesson with a different friend. The members were funny! And we totally got called out beacuse we almost forgot to do something at the members house! (Thanks for keeping us in check service missionaries!) The other members had a really cute 3 month old! 
☆We also had some really good member dinner this week!😋
☆Jacob and Cameron came to church!! And the talks given were so, so perfect!!! 

Missionary laughs:
So I walk like I have no knees. Like a barbie - Sister LeSueur complaining that her legs hurt
I feel like I'm in WW 2, trying to decode secert messages - Elder Bringhurst on our area report when our internet was being weird and he couldn't hear us very well

☆Jacob is actually amazing!!! He's truly growing his relationship and testimony of Jesus Christ and it's amazing to see!! Likeni said earlier, praying he soon accepts a Baptismal Date!
☆Cameron is doing good. He ultimately just needs to stop coffee completely and has a few other things to do, but we're really focused on the coffee right now, so praying he stops soon!

Spiritual thought:
This week's thought consistent of prayer. Sister LeSueur told me that she noticed that I take my time when it comes to my personal prayers. I truly love praying! I know that prayers may not always be answered right away, or in the way we want. But I do know that they are answered by a loving Heavenly Father who understands amd truly listens to us. Our good, hard, complaining, fears, everything. I've learned that it's literally the best thing for you to actually tell him everything! Because He knows how to help you, and he knows how to guide you to the help/people you need! 

Well my dear friendos that's all I got this week! We have exchanges this week, so we'll see how those go! Have a fabulous week! I'll write again next week!
Love Sister Alex Hersom 

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